Keeping God First as a Christian Creative Entrepreneur
We are busy people. There’s always something going on. Whether it be in the business, with a client, errands to run, conversations to have, social media, catching up on the latest trend on Netflix… We got a lot going on! Being a business owner has many responsibilities on its own. And as a Christian, we have standards to uphold within ourselves, and within our businesses. But what happens when life gets so busy, I forget about the One that’s truly running the ship? Or even, things are going so well that it feels like as though it’s me accomplishing these things on my own? When the work becomes so much, it takes my focus from Him. To put it bluntly, the work becomes an idol. Without Him, we can create and make, but it won’t be as good as when He blesses it. Here are ways to keep God first as a Christian creative entrepreneur.
Keep the main thing, the main thing. Take inventory of your morning. What’s the first thing that you do? If you’re like me, it’s checking your phone. I get it! It’s the alarm, so it’s the first thing we look at, and then we let the world flood our mind with whatever is happening on social media, the news, or our inbox. But what if we took the time to let the Lord download into us first thing? I’ve found going to the Bible app and starting my day there has lead to better and more peaceful mornings. I get to spend time with the Father in a still moment… before the world starts asking what it needs from me or telling me what I have to be to be “successful”. If you’re not already in a routine, I’d highly recommend it. If you grew up with a parent or caregiver in your home, could you imagine waking up, getting ready for school, leaving the house, and saying nothing to them? And not because there was a heated argument the night before. But just flat but ignoring them? We can’t be like that with God. He’s the reason we have breath in our lungs. So before the day gets started, take some time to spend with the Lord. Let Him guide your path. Be open and honest with what the day’s challenges are and ask the Holy Spirit to walk with you.
And as you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through the day, invite Him into your business. Every decision you make, the Lord cares about. It doesn’t all have to be placed on our shoulders. Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Work is hard and challenging. But Jesus says, “all who labor”. That’s us! We can come to Him and he will give us rest. He’ll give us peace about decisions. And not only that, but I know the God of the universe is willing to give us amazing ideas to push our businesses further and to build community with others. Before that meeting, pray. Before calling that client that’s giving you a hard time, ask the Lord to give you the words to say and wisdom to honor Him in a difficult conversation. He cares about it all. Let Him be your business partner and watch how things change for the better.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely. And being a Christian in an industry can REALLY get lonely. There may not seem like there’s not a lot of us out here building businesses for the Lord, but there are! I’ve been involved with the Christian Hip Hop industry for almost a decade. It’s a small group of us, but there are people in that community that I’ve grown with and helped my walk with the Lord. Community can be built locally, through our church and friends. And now, with social media, we can link up with people all over the world that have similar mindsets as us. I’m big on mentorship. If you can, find someone that’s wiser than you in your field and spend time with them.
And lastly, but definitely not least, stay in the Word! His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. There’s so much wisdom that you can glean to know more about the Father and to build your faith. Believing what it says will have you doing some crazy, faith filled stuff with your business! Being lead by the Lord may look crazy to man, but nothing is impossible with God. We don’t live on bread alone. Feed your soul with the Word of God.
As you read this, know that I’m praying that you and I continually keep Him first with our businesses, our relationships, and our lives. Keep going, friend!